
Before you can access the order portal, you must log in. Use your email address and the password we provided you with to log in. If we have not setup an account for you yet, please contact us. We will need your email address and the vendor you represent.

Order Dashboard

When you log in, you will be directed to the Order Dashboard, or Dashboard for short. This area has a navigation on the left with your main tools.

The area to the right will show the details of the management task that you have selected. This is where all of your work is done.

The Dashboard management task shows you the number of orders in the various stages of production. Clicking on one of the items in the list will switch to that management task.

The Pending Orders management task shows you the all of the new orders that require you attention so they can begin production. A table shows the first 15 orders, with pagination if there are more than 15 orders to process.

The Production Orders management task shows you the all of the current orders that you have put into production. A table shows the first 15 orders, with pagination if there are more than 15 orders in production.

The Completed Orders management task shows you the all of the old orders that you have already produced and fulfilled. A table shows the most recent 15 orders, with pagination when there are more than 15 completed orders.

Order Processing Guidelines

The first step when you receive a new order in the Pending Orders section is to acknowledge that you have received it by putting it into production. From the list in the Pending Orders section, click the green button for the first item. This will open the Order Detail window.

The Order Detail window will show you the current status, the specifications of the order, the shipping details and it provides a link to the artwork. When you first begin a pending order, you can download the artwork, save it and verify that it is accurate for the specifications ordered.

When you are ready to begin production on an order, change the status (upper right corner of the Order Detail window) to In Progress and save the order with the button provided. This will change the order status and move the order to the Production Orders section of the tool.

It's important to note that orders may have split shipments, so pay careful attention to the shipments on an order. Also, we require that all shipments be sent in unmarked packaging, blind shipped to the recipient. We have provided the "Ship From" address that should be used on the package.

When you have shipped the order, you will need to update it in the Production Orders section. Enter the corresponding tracking number for each shipment on the order, change the status to Complete and save the order with the button provided. This will change the order status and move the order to the Completed Orders section of the tool.

NOTE: The tracking number should not include an URL; it should ONLY be the tracking number itself.